The Melted Pot

The Melted Pot

Indyfromaz's Blog: The Thoughts of An Independent Arizonan

America’s days as a melting pot are over. There once was an American culture that assimilated the best parts of all cultures people brought with them to this country, and in turn those immigrants assimilated to the larger American culture. But that day is done. The pot of “out of many, one” is now a series of chafing dishes. And each of those chafing dishes is being conditioned to boil over on command.

We’re now a nation of the 1 percent against the 99 percent, this race being victimized by that race, men against women, old against the young, and so on. Everyone is special without having to do anything to earn that distinction and, as such, entitled to special treatment and consideration.

Divide and Conquer, isn’t that special…

Ivan Pavlov showed the world the power of conditioning, how any creature with a brain can be trained to react how…

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